Tuesday, July 17, 2007

OpenOffice.org Wiki

Just ran across a wiki site for OpenOffice.org... one of the issues I have with OOo is that it's hard to find what you looking for for help. I don't know why help has to be sooo difficult for everything opensource. I have the same issue with Drupal. It's impossible to find anything without a ton of searching. It's kind of like spelling. When you can't spell a word how do you look something up in the dictionary.

Anyway I found a wiki for OpenOffice.org, I'm not even sure if it's being used... looks like it might be by developers but there is a place for help, but nothing much has been done there yet. I guess I need to understand how a Wiki works... but anyway what I was looking for was how to replace a blank or empty line. I figured it out searching and searching and actually ended up finding it in the help files... but again not easy.

Here is a howto:
^$ = will find a blank line
To remove blank lines, search for ^$ and replace with nothing, and select replace all. Make sure to check Regular expressions under more options.

Step by step:
Click: Edit>Find & Replace
Type: ^$ in Search for
(leave Replace with blank)
Click: More Options
check "Regular expressions"
Click: Replace All

Bam! all the blank lines are gone.

Anywho... here is the link to the Wiki... again with nothing much there ;-)

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